Saturday, February 9, 2008

Where does Katie live and how will she get here?

Katie lives in Jiangsu Province, on the east coast just above Shanghai. (Leah lived in Hubei Province, just west of there.)

When Mr. G. travels to China to get her, he will fly from Binghamton to another US city, then to Beijing. That will take anywhere from 17-26 hours, depending on what flight he can get! Once he's in Beijing, he'll fly south to Jiangsu Province (Nanjing), and will get Katie the next day. They have to stay in Katie's Province for at least five days as part of the adoption requirements. At that time, he will complete a lot of paperwork, visit the orphanage with her, and shop for clothes for her.

Then both Katie and Mr. G. will fly south to Guangdong Province. This is where many of the government offices are located and the adoptions are finalized. He also needs to be here for several days. Once that is done, they both will fly back to Beijing. There they will see the Great Wall and Tianemen Square. Finally, they will board the plane and fly on back to Binghamton!

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